Wednesday 6 January 2010

Welcome to the K9 Freestyle dancing dog blog I hope to keep this updated with the various going ons with the dogs and the events they attend. You can also keep track of what we are getting upto by following us on twitter

1 comment:

  1. Hello Richard,

    It's cold here too, in Canada. I've ordered your book locally and hope the bookstore has success in getting it for me soon!! At the moment, it's 'seat-of-the-pants' first time trainer attempts! (four paws forward, two steps back as the dog tries to train me to train him)

    Good luck with your competitions this year! I hope that someone posts the routines to YouTube quickly so we can keep up with the results!

    My blog has a few photos of my collie as a baby, but once we can properly start to train, I should start his very own page for our freestyle diaries. He is coming two years old this spring and he SO wants to work! He herds too, but freestyle is something we can work on any day, any weather.

    Good luck Pogs and Richard!! Thanks so much for all your great online resources for the sport!!
